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Our School

Blue Haze GRIT

Blue Haze Elementary was established in 1987 and is home to approximately 650 future Brewer Bear graduates!  We are privileged to serve kindergarten through fourth grade students, and our goal is for each student to have a safe and engaging place to learn and belong.  In addition to a rigorous academic program, all of our students participate in PE every day and rotate through extra-curricular classes like Makerspace, Art, Music, and Library. 
Blue Haze is a place that loves kids and we are passionate about learning!  We know our success comes from a strong commitment from students, staff, families, and our community and we look forward to you joining us!   
Be sure and "like" our Facebook Page for all the latest news!

Blue Haze - Our School

Watch the video to learn more about our wide range of rigorous academic programs, extra-curricular classes and family engagement activities!

Click each photo to learn more about the houses and learn the chant!

House of Gumption Logo
House of Integrity Logo
House of Tenacity Logo
House of Resilience Logo

Being a part of a GRIT House helps students feel a sense of belonging outside of their own classroom and builds community across grade levels.  Every Thursday, we wear our house colors and have house meetings!

As a member of a GRIT House, students are working to earn House Points.  Students and teachers earn points by demonstrating GRIT, showing positive behavior, and working hard in the classroom. At the end of each grading period, we will have a “House Party” where the winning house celebrates their success.  At the end of the year, we award the “BHE House Cup” to the house that accumulated the most points throughout the year!

BHE 4 Houses-GRIT Logo

One school four houses...All Blue Haze Elementary students (and staff) in kindergarten through fourth grade are sorted in one of four GRIT houses. The four houses are Gumption, Resilience, Integrity, and Tenacity.  Once a student is sorted into a house, they stay in that house for the rest of their time at BHE!